What are Crows Feet, and why do they occur?

The fine creases and wrinkles in the outer edges of your eyes are referred to as crow’s feet. Two types of wrinkles exsist: Static and dynamic wrinkles. Face expressions are thought to be the primary source of dynamic wrinkles. Every grin, frown, and brow lift has led to small wrinkles around the eyes.

Natural things such as gravity and age create static wrinkles. Our skin starts losing elastin, a protein present in our skin that keeps our skin taut as we age. Our skin loosens when it starts to fade, making it much easier to manipulate without getting back to normal. As the skin begins to fold and the elasticity decreases, lines become permanent.

Both static or dynamic wrinkles may cause the appearance of crow’s feet.

What is the most effective Crow’s Feet treatment

The use of Dermal Fillers to address crow’s feet is a more logical option. Injections of hyaluronic acid are used as dermal fillers. They’re injected into the problematic areas and fill wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox is a great approach to get rid of crow’s feet and prevent new ones from appearing. It stops tissue from contracting by freezing it in place. A few minor touch-ups here and there may make a significant difference.

Chemical peels are shown to be among the most effective wrinkle-removal procedures. This treatment involves applying an acidic solution to your face and then removing it. The response will take place over the following several days, causing the upper, wrinkly outer layer of skin to peel away, exposing a fresh, youthful layer underneath.

A more current approach is laser treatment, or more precisely, laser resurfacing. A pulsing laser is used to remove multiple tiny layers of the epidermis one by one, removing the damaged top layer and revealing a smooth, unaffected layer underneath. The laser’s heat also encourages collagen formation, resulting in a soft, flexible skin.


How can you stop Crows Feet from forming?

Exercise frequently and consume a well-balanced diet to maintain your overall health. Stay in the shade to keep your skin away from the sun’s damaging rays, which may cause wrinkles and crow’s feet. Even on cloudy days, use sunglasses to avoid glare. Also, moisturise your skin both in the mornings and evenings.

Because crow’s feet develop naturally as we age, it’s almost difficult to avoid them. However, by making some lifestyle changes, you may lessen the intensity of your symptoms.